This week's top stories included the GMP Equalisation Working Group publishing a call to action to help schemes begin the process.
The government has confirmed the Supreme Court ruling that changes made to the firefighters' and judges' pension schemes in 2015 were discriminatory will now apply to all public sector schemes.
Philip Hammond's Spring Statement was empty of any direct pension news as the Treasury sought to avoid major policy announcements.
The government will proceed with a range of changes to the investment consultant and fiduciary management markets as recommended by a major competition review.
The government will pause planned changes to public sector pensions as it faces an estimated £4bn annual bill after losing a legal battle last year.
Philip Hammond's 2018 Budget speech was entirely devoid of any mention of pensions, but the documents do include some things for the industry to take note of. Professional Pensions rounds up the eight key Budget plans and shortcomings.
The Treasury has launched a second consultation on banning pensions cold-calling, which aims to seek final views on already-drafted regulation.
The government has confirmed the long-awaited ban on pensions cold-calling will now be delayed until Autumn.
Swift action to ban cold-calling has been promised by the government in a bid to stem the flow of pension savers being lured into scams.
GAD report paints 'grim picture'