Daniel Godfrey who left the Investment Association (IA) last year has been appointed ambassador of the Transparency Task Force which campaigns for greater transparency.
Jonathan Stapleton attended the second Transparency Symposium, held in London last week, to hear about the steps being taken to improve transparency.
PP finds out why the scheme is looking to the Netherlands for help
A new set of guidelines has been issued to force private equity firms to improve reporting and fee transparency following concerns from investors in recent months.
The Investment Association (IA) says it is still absolutely committed to getting better transparency on fund management costs and charges for pension trustees.
Investment management fees paid by local government pension scheme (LGPS) funds last year ranged from two basis points (bps) all the way up to 86 bps, official figures show.
Can regulation make fees less murky?
Both asset managers and pension schemes are failing to give investors enough information on the fees they pay, according to Professional Pensions research.
Can the UK replicate the Netherlands' success?
Asset managers must open up to allow investors to separate the skilful from the luck