The Pensions Advisory Service chairman Partha Dasgupta has launched a passionate defence of the government-funded body after a leaked Cabinet Office document revealed it remains under threat.
Auto-enrolment is placing a significant burden on payroll and human resource departments, as they struggle to cope with the changes in preparation for 2012, rpmi says.
The Pensions Advisory Service has cut its board membership by 25% as part of a review of its operations.
Proposals to cut The Pensions Advisory Service were "inevitable" given the government's austerity agenda, former chief executive Malcolm McLean says.
Defined contribution pension communications would be more efficient if implemented to more than 50,000 members at a time, according to a research paper.
UK - The Pensions Ombudsman and the Pensions Protection Fund Ombudsman could be merged with The Pensions Regulator, a leaked Cabinet Office document suggests.
The National Employment Savings Trust could be retained despite a cull of over 177 quangos, a Cabinet Office document says.
The National Employment Savings Trust could be retained despite a cull of over 177 quangos, a leaked Cabinet Office document suggests.
The Pensions Advisory Service has finalised its senior management restructure with a series of appointments.
The Pensions Advisory Service has made five volunteer advisers ‘Fellows of TPAS' in recognition of their service to the organisation.