The latest inflation figures could cut deficits by £10bn
Jonathan Stapleton speaks to the RMPP about how it improved its governance processes, implemented a risk management and modelling system and overhauled communications with members.
The trustees of the £135m AQA Pension Scheme have outsourced its investments to Towers Watson following a competitive fiduciary management tender.
Nearly half of UK employers (49%) are worried about older workers deferring retirement due to inadequate savings, with the majority fearing the situation will get worse.
Will funds benefit from increased mortality rates?
Will Aitken has been appointed as head of Deloitte's defined contribution (DC) and employee benefits business.
As the government consultation into pensions tax relief closes Helen Morrissey looks at whether moving to a flat rate of tax relief would work.
Towers Watson's LifeSight master trust has gained the Pension Quality Mark (PQM) Ready in recognition of good governance and communication.
Xafinity has appointed Sankar Mahalingham from Punter Southall as a senior member of its actuarial and wider management team.
Heineken's Scottish and Newcastle Pension Plan has completed a £2.4bn longevity swap with Friends Life.