People drawing retirement income from annuities will be able to sell their contracts from 6 April 2017, the government has confirmed.
Life expectancy at birth is predicted to reach 100 for female babies born in England in 2064, latest projections from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reveal.
UK pensions look good in theory but the system could turn out to be alarmingly fragile. Michael Klimes finds out why
The introduction of the state pension from April 2016 will be scrutinised through an inquiry by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) select committee.
Chancellor George Osborne has said he will wait until next spring to reveal the government's view on reforming pension tax relief.
Active membership of occupational pensions has increased by over two million but average contributions have halved says the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
Jeremy Corbyn wants the UK to have a flexible state retirement age. Michael Klimes weighs the pros and cons
Lawmakers must clarify what is meant by advice so it can be made more widely available, industry figures have told the work and pensions select committee.
Proposals from Labour leadership contender Jeremy Corbyn to let some workers retire earlier could double the cost of providing them with a state pension, warns Hargreaves Lansdown.
People do not understand or value tax relief on offer for pension contributions, and would welcome a flat rate of relief, according to two pieces of research.