With DB transfer activity at very high levels amid fraud concerns, Michael Klimes asks if partial transfers can offer more security for members
The government has to consider how auto-enrolment (AE) can be extended to the self-employed in its forthcoming review says pensions minister Richard Harrington.
Economic uncertainty is expected to grow while the UK leaves the European Union, which could make it harder to increase auto-enrolment contribution rates. Michael Klimes asks if more flexibility is needed
Pensions Buzz respondents believe auto-enrolment is Sir Steve's legacy, but others questioned if he could claim credit for the policy.
This week we want to know what was Sir Steve Webb's greatest achievement, and if transfer values quotations to cash in defined benefit (DB) pensions have peaked.
This week's top stories included Steve Webb and Charles Counsell featuring in the New Year's Honours list, the Treasury omitting pensions from a 'ways to save' poster, and proposed changes to nuclear sector pensions.
Former pensions minister Steve Webb as well as The Pensions Regulator's (TPR) Charles Counsell and Andrew Young have been honoured in the 2017 New Year's Honours list.
PP Online counts down the top 20 news stories of the year.
What were the most read opinion pieces on Professional Pensions over the last 12 months? Here are some of the top pieces from our commentators during the year.
This year has been a busy one for the pensions industry. Professional Pensions looks at what happened between January and March.