Europe's latest white paper on pension provision has done little to allay fears for UK defined benefit schemes should Solvency II come into force.
A European Commission white paper on how to tackle major challenges facing pensions across Europe includes a commitment to revise the IORP directive and Solvency II requirements.
The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority has published its advice to the European Commission on plans to harmonise regulation and introduce stringent solvency requirements for pension schemes.
Solvency II could push insurers into alternative assets as firms search for a high yield, according to a BlackRock poll.
Solvency II will force all remaining defined benefit schemes to close and could lead to significant job losses as UK companies fold, lobby groups warn.
A group of investors has raised concerns that Solvency II could see pension funds and insurers move away from alternative assets.
Solvency II pension policy makers will lay out more details of an impact assessment on the effect of scheme solvency standards for UK pension schemes in March, EIOPA has confirmed.
Jack Jones delves into the opposition to EIOPA's plans
Michael Bow sits down with Labour's pensions spokesman