Schroders is to close its defined benefit scheme to future accrual.
Schroders has lured Nicolaas Marais from BlackRock to head its multi-asset solutions team.
UK - Pension schemes should overhaul their internal governance structures to ensure they are able to take "timely and considered" investment decisions, Schroders says.
Pension schemes should overhaul their internal governance structures to ensure they are able to take "timely and considered" investment decisions, Schroders says.
Lord Myners has branded advice to increase scheme fixed income allocations as "nonsense" and warned the bond market is an "enormous bubble which will burst".
The Global Pensions 100 Panel is split over the fate of the eurozone, our survey found.
Pension funds should be preparing their operational arrangements for a potential fracture in the eurozone, Schroders chief investment officer Alan Brown warns.
EUROPE - Pension funds should be preparing their operational arrangements for a potential fracture in the eurozone, Schroders chief investment officer Alan Brown warns.
Railpen has appointed Schroder NewFinance Capital to manage a £80m mandate for its commodity portfolio.
UBS; Schroders; BNP Paribas Investment Partners; Dalriada Trustees; Vebnet; J O Hambro Investment Management