Hannah Brenton assesses views as to how economic growth will change over the next six months.
Dimensional has unveiled a managed defined contribution proposition that targets an agreed inflation-protected retirement income for savers.
Hannah Brenton looks at the automatic US spending cuts due at the end of the year if politicians fail to reach agreement on the deficit.
Defined contribution multi-asset managers have not seen a pick-up in business in the run-up to auto-enrolment.
Higher long-term inflation expectations added £5bn to defined benefit scheme deficits in August, according to Mercer.
Schroders has announced two appointments to its multi-asset investment team.
Liability driven investment can be adapted for defined contribution schemes to allow members to stay in growth assets for longer, Schroders argues.
Economists say the sharp drop in inflation announced today could justify a further round of quantitative easing by the Bank of England.
Schemes using liability-driven investment strategies could have misjudged their swap contract costs for more than four years due to the LIBOR manipulation scandal.
Boots Pension Scheme has appointed Schroders' property multi-manager team to oversee its £135m property portfolio.