Natasha Browne looks at how the Schroders Retirement Benefit Scheme used the strategy
When the UK and US started quantitative easing (QE) programmes the fear was that printing money could force inflation to spiral.
Rachel Dalton looks at the implications for scheme investment
Taha Lokhandwala looks at the impact of the ECB’s decision to cut interest rates
Defined contribution (DC) schemes offered to staff of FTSE350 firms are still overly invested in equities with stagnant allocations, according to research from Schroders.
Institutional investors are increasingly willing to invest in equities or growth assets but only with downside protection, according to research from Schroders.
Taha Lokhandwala looks at the US stalemate and the potential long-term impact on asset prices
Andrew Connell sets out the small tweaks that could give defined contribution savers a more certain outcome.
W&G Investments, the company backed by several industry investment houses, has been listed as it looks to bid for 315 Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) branches.
Jonathan Stapleton asks if the profitability of providers will lead to lower fees for schemes