Schemes are interested in fiduciary management but greater understanding is needed. Helen Morrissey looks at how schemes are engaging with this service.
Christine Senior brings good news from Africa that some investors may have missed.
Around one in four investors currently not using a fiduciary manager may appoint one in the next year, Russell Investments says.
Wessex Water Pension Scheme has appointed Russell Investments to act as fiduciary manager.
MN has restructured its senior team for the second time in a month following a number of senior departures at the business.
Here they are - the winners of the UK Pensions Awards 2012.
Listen to our latest Pensions Conjecture debate on Multi-Asset.
Listen to our latest Pensions Conjecture debate on Transition Management.
Tomorrow's defined contribution members need better reports to move from a focus on their accumulated pension wealth to emphasise their post-retirement income, delegates heard.