UK - The use of transition management within the defined contribution is set to grow as the move away from defined benefit provision continues, delegates at the Global Pensions Transition Management Forum heard.
The onus of conducting due diligence on transition managers has shifted greatly to the asset owner, yet gaining access to managers' track records remains a problem, delegates heard.
UK - The onus of conducting due diligence on transition managers has shifted greatly to the asset owner, yet gaining access to managers' track records remains a problem, delegates at this month's GP's Transition Management Forum heard.
AUSTRALIA - The growing trend for mergers between industry superannuation funds may not be serving the best interests of members, research by Russell Investments warns.
Russell Investments; OPERS; BNY Mellon Asset Management; Mercer; Baring Asset Management; The Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) Association; Sciens Fund of Funds Management Holdings
US - The Oregon Public Employees Retirement Fund has selected the Russell Fundamental US Large Company Index for a new internally managed $500m US equity investment mandate.
Principal Global Investors; Russell Investments; BlackRock; Societe Generale Securities Services; Threadneedle; Pyramis Global Advisors
GLOBAL - Have you missed the biggest stories in pensions this week? Find out below, as we list the top 10 most popular stories on over the past seven days.
US - Russell Investments has landed a $640m mandate from the Alaska Permanent Fund for its Russell Fundamental Developed Large Company Index, the first mandate win for the firm in its new suite of fundamental indices.