Royal Mail and the Communication Workers Union (CWU) have agreed in principal to work towards introducing a collective defined contribution (CDC) scheme for all employees.
As the Work and Pensions Committee's consultation on CDC closes, Stephanie Baxter asks whether it could offer a viable alternative in the binary pensions system
Collective defined contribution (CDC) arrangements could be set up without needing full CDC legislation, which would speed up and make the process easier, the Communication Workers Union (CWU) has claimed.
This week's top stories were collapsed Carillion's pension funds facing PPF assessment, and Royal Mail getting closer to agreeing on a collective defined contribution plan.
The Communication Workers Union (CWU) and Royal Mail Group are very close to securing an agreement on a collective defined contribution (CDC) plan for all members.
Henry Tapper says as the initial euphoria of 'never having to buy an annuity again' wears off, the prospect of freedoms becomes less appealing
This week's top stories include the FCA deeming half of the DB transfers it looked into unsuitable, DWP firing Workie and Fidelity International saying it will adopt a new active fund fee model.
Douglas Hamilton, the head of pensions strategy at Royal Mail, says its proposals are fair and about affordability not cost-cutting.
Royal Mail workers have overwhelmingly voted for strike action in response to the company's planned closure of its defined benefit (DB) scheme.
This week's top stories included the revelation that the Communication Workers Union was planning to cut its pension provision, despite launching a ballot for industrial action against Royal Mail for similar plans.