The pensions schemes bill will digitalise pensions and provide savers with greater confidence for retirement, Guy Opperman has said.
Last month, a roundtable looked at the future of CDC and whether master trusts are well-placed to provide such an arrangement. Kim Kaveh reports
The Royal Mail Defined Benefit Cash Balance Scheme (DBCBS) has ended its first full-year with a £9m actuarial surplus, the company says.
A minority (13%) of trustees and corporate sponsors predict their organisation is "likely" or "very likely" to adopt a collective defined contribution (CDC) scheme by 2025, Willis Towers Watson finds.
Rory Murphy says a bona fide mediation process could provide valuable evidence of reasonableness for trustee and employer alike
Collective defined contribution (CDC) savers should be allowed to access pension freedoms when the scheme is rolled out, last week's Pensions Buzz respondents said.
Jonathan Stapleton says the DWP's progress on CDC is a welcome, and cautious, step forward.
Collective defined contribution (CDC) provision will be introduced slowly, starting specifically with a Royal Mail scheme and then rolling it out more widely, the government has confirmed.
The government will proceed with legislation to implement collective defined contribution (CDC) schemes and aims to formally respond to the consultation in a matter of weeks, Guy Opperman has confirmed.
Tim Sharp warns the DWP's plans for collective DC risk establishing an inhospitable environment for the lay trustee