Royal London group received a boost from pensions arm Scottish Life during the first half of 2011 as its new business increased 10%.
The long-term bull market on government bonds stretching back over three decades is over, a fixed income manager says.
UK core real estate could be heading for an asset price bubble as investors burnt by the 2007 crash continue to retreat into conservative property investments, BlackRock warns.
Legal & General has reported an 87% drop in new bulk annuities business in the first quarter of this year.
US/UK - BP , whose share price has dropped 29% since last year's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, will face opposition from two of the US's largest pension funds at the company's annual general meeting tomorrow.
Total life and pensions new business across Royal London increased 26% to £2.3bn in the nine months to the end of September.
UK - Royal London group chief executive Mike Yardley is planning to step down to focus on helping the industry tackle future challenges.
Scottish Life, the pensions division of Royal London, has seen new business increase by 62% to £1.1bn in the six months ending June 30.
Royal London new life and pensions business increased by more than 50% in Q1 this year, led by a strong performance from its pensions arm Scottish Life.
Here they are - the winners of the UK Pensions Awards 2010.