The UK has a sophisticated longevity risk management market but it will need to develop further to meet challenges says Charlotte Moore.
As the fiduciary management market continues to grow Lynn Strongin-Dodds looks at how schemes can measure their manager's performance.
Redington has hired Jinesh Patel as vice president of its defined contribution (DC) and financial wellbeing consulting practice.
Honor Fell and Nick Lewis look at why environmental, social and governance integration remains challenging for many pension funds.
Latest research from eVestment shows increasing interest in alternative assets from institutional investors. Helen Morrissey takes a closer look.
Ten years on from A-Day Padraig Floyd asks what impact it has had on the industry.
Mitesh Sheth has been promoted to chief executive by Redington and will start work on 5 April.
Despite a decade of fierce debate over fees, many active equity managers in the UK have remained impervious to the global rise of passives. However, a growing bank of parlous historical data and changes in smart passive design may yet precipitate a great extinction according to Nick Samuels.
Stuart Breyer has been made chief executive of Mallowstreet platform to lead the next phase of the firm's growth.
PP considers how big a risk this is for schemes and how they can manage it