Chancellor George Osborne confirmed the government will implement a single-tier state pension.
Work and Pensions secretary Iain Duncan Smith has laid out plans for basic state pension reform in a bid to create a "state pensions system fit for a 21st century welfare system".
MPs have accused pensions minister Steve Webb of backtracking on the coalition agreement's terms on increasing the women's state pension age.
Labour pensions spokeswoman Rachel Reeves has questioned the timing of the government's call for evidence on defined contribution regulation.
The government published its Pensions Bill today, covering proposed changes to auto-enrolment.
Labour has slammed the coalition government for dithering over plans to introduce a flat rate state pension after it shelved the launch of a consultation last year.
Pensions minister Steve Webb will face a barrage of questions on pension changes next week as MPs return to parliament.
Inflation figures published today prove the government is making poor people worse off by using CPI for measuring pension payment increases, Labour says.