The Budget flexibilities may make collective defined contribution schemes (CDC) less appealing, according to the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI).
The majority of defined contribution (DC) savers do not know how they will use their pension pot and only have a vague idea when they will retire, according to research.
The government is the biggest rival annuity providers face in delivering retirement income products to consumers, according to Barnett Waddingham.
The Budget flexibilities will not hinder the government's plans for collective defined contribution (CDC), according to the Pensions Policy Institute (PPI).
The cost of implementing the 0.75% charge cap has already overshot expectations from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
The value of assets in workplace defined contribution (DC) pension schemes is likely to surpass those of defined benefit (DB) by 2036 if auto-enrolment (AE) opt-outs remain low, research has found.
Jonathan Stapleton asks if tax-relief needs radical reform
Knowing whether an independent Scotland would adopt the euro, keep sterling or create its own currency is fundamental to pension planning, Towers Watson says.
The Pension Policy Institute (PPI) has launched a series of reports into the challenging decisions defined contribution (DC) pension savers face at retirement.
Natasha Browne looks at what the UK can learn from retirement regimes around the world