PP examines a loophole that could leave DC members with no compensation if an insurer collapses
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has proposals in place to prevent corporate trustees from dwarfing individuals on independent governance committees (IGCs).
The industry is not satisfied with efforts to improve contract-based governance
Helen Morrissey explains the importance of trustee evaluation exercises
PTL has expanded its presence into the Midlands with the opening of a Birmingham office, adding to its existing bases in London, Reading and Leeds.
The continued decline of defined benefit (DB) schemes has led to the industry being overcrowded with highly qualified actuaries, an independent trustee says.
Pitmans Trustees Ltd (PTL) has launched a life assurance claims handling service.
Fidelity has appointed Pitmans Trustees (PTL) to act as professional trustee of its newly created master trust.
The government and pensions industry have made no real progress in preparing people for the reality of retirement, PTL says.
Employers are downgrading their pensions offering on the back of auto-enrolment (AE) in order to "hoodwink" employees into thinking it is part of the legislation, lawyers claim.