UK pension schemes should look outside the domestic inflation-linked gilt markets to the global bond markets to hedge risks and obtain higher yields, according to PIMCO.
GLOBAL - Have you missed the biggest stories in pensions this week? Find out below, as we list the top 10 most popular stories on over the past seven days.
GERMANY/US - German insurer Allianz has announced a restructure of its asset management business that gives subsidiary PIMCO, the world's largest bond manager, more freedom around distribution of its products.
US - Pimco bond fund manager Bill Gross has acknowledged he made a mistake in betting so heavily against US government bonds earlier this year.
GIC; Neuberger Berman; PIMCO Australia; Mirae Asset Global Investments Group; AustralianSuper; SL Investment Management; FRTIB; FINANCIAL; EFRP; Mercer; Deutsche Asset Management
John Griffiths answers questions on the changing world of fixed income
US - Institutional hires in alternative investments and real estate increased in the first two quarters of 2011 at the expense of domestic active equity and fixed income, new research shows.
The use of alternative assets by pension funds grew by 16% in 2010 to $952bn (£596bn), according to research by Towers Watson.
Ending quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve in the US is unlikely to lead to a rapid spike in bond yields, analysts say.
Emerging market debt funds saw outflows in the start of the year but concerns over the strength of the developed world pulled investors back, as Lynn Strongin Dodds reports