The Marks and Spencer Pension Scheme has completed buy-in deals worth £1.4bn with two insurers, mirroring similar transactions last year.
Phoenix Group transacted £800m of bulk annuities in 2018, its first year in the market since completing a deal with its own scheme two years ago.
This week's top stories include the Ombudsman's determination against Royal London, and the ECJ's ruling that PPF compensation must amount to 50% of member benefits.
Expanding strategic partnership
Barry O'Dwyer and Campbell Fleming, both senior figures at Standard Life Aberdeen, are to become non-executive directors of Phoenix Group.
The Marks and Spencer (M&S) Pension Scheme has insured around 15% of its pensioner liabilities through two bulk annuity insurance policies with Aviva and Phoenix Group.
Phoenix has confirmed it will enter the buy-in and buyout market on an "incremental" basis after completing its first buy-in with its own pension scheme in 2016.
The government's plans to ban pensions cold calling could be subject to further delays amid speculation that yet another consultation is on the cards.
Mobius Life has been chosen as fund administrator for AB's target-date funds (TDFs) as the fund manager looks to expand opportunities for its clients.
Phoenix Group's senior corporate pensions actuary Richard Zugic speaks to PP about how a longevity swap was transformed into a bulk annuity for the PGL Pension Scheme in the first deal of its kind.