This week we want to know if the UK needs a pensions minister if the Chancellor always has the last word and whether too many schemes are divesting from fossil fuels.
Legislation must be introduced to stop the cost of master trust wind-ups falling on members, the pensions minister says.
Former pensions minister Steve Webb has said reaching a state pension age of 66 by 2020 should have been done over a much longer period.
More than six million people have started saving into a workplace pension since auto-enrolment (AE) began, with more than 100,000 employers having enrolled employees.
John Cridland has been appointed to lead an independent review of the State Pension age.
The top stories this week were Ros Altmann criticising bullying by WASPI supporters and the government forcing trust-based schemes to report on transfer performance.
The programme for this year's Pensions and Benefits UK has been launched.
Pensions minister Ros Altmann has said that she has been bullied by supporters of the Women Against State Pension Inequality (WASPI) campaign.
Amid concern that the cap on exit fees only applies to contract-based schemes, the minister has confirmed that a separate cap will be imposed on trust-based schemes.
The pensions minister has unveiled a major communications drive to broaden the public's understanding of the state pension to be introduced next April.