There will be a cultural shift as older workers retrain to remain in the workforce longer, Steve Webb says.
Pensions minister Steve Webb has confirmed the Department for Work and Pensions will this autumn propose reforms to the system of transferring small pension pots.
Pensions minister Steve Webb gave his speech to the Liberal Democrat conference this morning.
Call to reverse pensions reforms; 430,000 workers pay £11bn too much National Insurance; Pension accounting has caused closure of perfectly viable schemes; Pensions gap widens between bosses and staff
Pensions minister Steve Webb has signalled that the government will revisit the issue of risk-sharing as part of its drive to reinvigorate occupational pensions.
The government has reiterated it will not introduce legislation to override pension scheme indexation rules.
Government has compounded the misery for final salary schemes by reducing the contracted-out rebate level, industry figures say.
The government has officially launched a call for evidence to review the regulatory differences between trust-based and contract-based defined contribution schemes.
More than 100 British veterans living abroad have signed a petition against their pensions being frozen and some are threatening to hand back their medals in protest.
Investment disclosure guidelines need greater clarity to help people make more informed choices about their pensions, Steve Webb says.