Two-thirds of this week's respondents said their scheme has not yet chosen a method for equalising GMPs.
It would be inappropriate to name and shame schemes which do not sign up to the Star Initiative, a majority of Pensions Buzz respondents said in backlash to comments made by the pensions minister.
The majority of this week's Pensions Buzz respondents agreed with the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA) proposal to ban contingent charging on defined benefit (DB) transfer advice.
This week's Pensions Buzz respondents were unsure whether Guy Opperman will stay in post as pensions and financial inclusion minister under the new Prime Minister.
This week's Pensions Buzz respondents were mostly in agreement that 10 weeks is an appropriate length of time to conduct a full DB to DC transfer.
Pensions Buzz peers agreed with pensions and financial inclusion minister Guy Opperman and former shadow chancellor Ed Balls that now might be the time for a fresh commission.
Boris Johnson would be detrimental to pensions if he becomes prime minister later this month, a majority of Buzz respondents said.
This week's Pensions Buzz respondents were split on whether more schemes should follow NEST's decision to divest from tobacco.
This week's Pensions Buzz respondents agreed the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) is sometimes right to vote against company voluntary agreement (CVA) proposals.
This week's Pensions Buzz respondents rejected James Brokenshire's suggestion that savers should be able to use their pensions to fund deposits for house purchases.