The next government could pursue a mass bulk annuity exercise to insure the pension schemes of up to 800 quangos, Pension Corporation claims.
Almost two-thirds (64%) of trustees say the economic events of the past 18 months have meant that pension de-risking has become a greater priority, MetLife Assurance research reveals.
Aggregate Industries has announced its two largest pension schemes have entered into insurance transactions to transfer risk to Pension Insurance Corporation.
Matthew Craig looks at the stages trustees must go through to deal with scheme liabilities, and the factors they should consider before opting for a buy-in or buyout
A surge in gilt rates is set to cut the cost of buyouts and reduce scheme deficits by 6%.
UK - A group of banks and insurance firms have launched an association to promote the development of a liquid traded market in longevity and mortality-related risk.
A group of banks and insurance firms have launched an association to promote the development of a liquid traded market in longevity and mortality-related risk.
Almost 1200 defined benefit schemes closed to existing members between 2000 and 2008, data from the Purple Book reveals.
Paternoster will not be looking to re-enter the buyout market until turbulent markets have settled, chief executive Ed Jervis says.
UK - Telent - the former Marconi telecoms group owned by Pension Corporation - has agreed a 15-year funding plan with trustees in a bid to shore up its pension scheme.