Lord Myners warns on City bonuses; UK banks face Basel pension pressure; Pension incomes drop 70% in a decade
UK - Financial services secretary Lord Myners has accused excessive bonuses of ruining British pension funds.
Lord Myners has accused excessive bonuses of ruining British pension funds.
David Cameron promises two-year lobbying ban and pension penalties for former ministers; Myners argues bonuses are bleeding pension funds; Do not pay the ferryman until he securitises your risk factor
The Investment Governance Group has handed over its first consultation document to Paul Myners for feedback.
UK - Low governance levels among companies could lead to the next financial crisis, Treasury financial services secretary Paul Myners says.
Low governance levels among companies could lead to the next financial crisis, Treasury financial services secretary Paul Myners says.
BA and Iberia agree merger; Costs cuts boost BT's earnings but pension deficit casts shadow; Myners backs insurers over EU capital rules; Insurers' relief over solvency rules short-lived as Ceiops bites; Pension funds warn companies: curb pay or face...
Treasury minister Paul Myners has called for the establishment of an independent Council for Institutional Investors to speak on behalf of schemes and other institutional investors.