Schemes that have pushed forward valuation results or put overly ambitious return objectives in place to make plans work could regret it, Pan Governance says.
The PP Pensions Commission was charged with formulating a range of simple, low-cost policies the next government should look to implement as soon as it assumes power in a bid to improve pensions provision.
The next government should form a steering group to set out the terms for a permanent Pensions Commission, a PP panel of experts says.
UK - Senior correspondent Giovanni Legorano speaks to Steve Delo former chairman of the Pensions Management Institute/Independent Trustee, PAN Governance and Michael Chatterton, head of settlement solutions at Watson Wyatt.
With the party political conference season in full swing, Emma Dunkley, Giovanni Legorano and Tom Selby ask well-known industry figures what are the key reforms the next government should make, mistakes it should avoid, and whether there should be an...