Jenna Towler talks to Personal Accounts Delivery Authority chief executive Tim Jones about the scale of the task facing him as he prepares to launch personal accounts in 2012
David McCourt details the NAPF's response to PADA's discussion paper on personal accounts
The Personal Accounts investment discussion paper received more than 60 industry responses which will help form its final package of advice to the trustee board.
Tim Jones has hit back at industry fears about the potentially "unfettered power" of the personal accounts trustee board.
The personal accounts delivery authority has appointed Nick Carter as its general counsel.
Sebastian Cheek discusses financial institutions' changing attitudes to socially responsible investing
Sebastian Cheek reveals how large investors are implementing RI strategies, with a new focus on the long-term performance that better suit pension fund investment horizons
The Personal Accounts Delivery Authority is set to launch a myth busting programme to explain how the national pension saving scheme will work from 2012.
Personal accounts will complement and not replace existing provision, Tim Jones says.
In a new monthly column , PERSONAL ACCOUNTS DELIVERY AUTHORITY chief executive TIM JONES looks at the latest issues surrounding the scheme and updates the industry on the progress made so far