Kim Kaveh asks how much clarity the master trust code of practice gives to schemes applying for authorisation in October.
It has again been suggested self-employed workers could enjoy pension provision through the tax return process. James Phillips explores the latest proposals
Low income earners in the majority of master trusts are missing out on tax relief on their retirement savings due to a legislative technicality, according to research.
The Work and Pensions Committee has called for the government to introduce an auto-drawdown option while allowing NEST to offer decumulation products, James Phillips reports
Savers feel positive about the upcoming rise in auto-enrolment (AE) contributions, according to data from the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST).
Paul Budgen is set to join financial technology and auto-enrolment (AE) firm Smart Pension as director of business development.
Average opt-out rates for 22- to 29-year old female members were 5% in December compared to 3% for men - a trend that accelerates across older groups, according to Now Pensions analysis conducted exclusively for PP.
Average opt-out rates rested at 4% for 22- to 29-year-old members of NEST in December last year, compared with 26% for 60- to 64-year-olds.
NEST CIO Mark Fawcett explains how the intermediary community evaluates an investment approach
Malcolm McLean says we must look hard at the delivery of the pension freedoms and ensure consumer protection is as good as it can be