More than 1,500 salary sacrifice cars have been taken-up by employees of National Grid using its workplace scheme.
Rob Schreur has been appointed chief executive of the National Grid pension scheme with a remit to lead and develop its new investment executive team
The £14.4bn National Grid UK Pension Scheme is to sell its captive asset management business Aerion Fund Management.
Labour has pledged to double the paid time that a new father can take off work and increase the statutory pay by £100 per week.
Nigel Stapleton has been appointed as chairman of the National Grid's UK pension scheme with effect from 1 November 2014.
Aerion Fund Management, the in-house fund manager for the National Grid UK pension scheme, has appointed Berenberg to manage a £3.5bn active currency overlay mandate.
Roy Gillson, the first chairman of Universities Superannuation Scheme Investment Management Limited (USSIM) has died aged 60 after a battle with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
National Grid has confirmed it is reviewing its two defined benefit pension schemes in an attempt to control the cost of future accrual.
Employee share ownership has become a catchphrase in recent months. Julia Rampen looks at the practical steps, advantages and risks of a reward strategy on the verge of change.
The National Grid pension scheme is to use PensionsFirst liability management technology to measure its £15bn UK pensions obligations more effectively.