What impact has freedom and choice had on the behaviour of those looking to access their retirement savings? Gill Wadsworth takes a look.
Rothesay Life has entered into talks to buy Aegon's £8bn ($11.57bn) annuity book according to Sky News.
One in ten pensioners has been approached by a fraudster looking to gain access to their cash, according to research.
Rothesay Life has revealed it agreed a deal to hedge £300m of longevity risk in December, taking the value of benefits reinsured by the firm over the year to £2.8bn.
Employers believe a third of staff would struggle to perform their current roles beyond the traditional retirement ages - highlighting the need for more flexible approaches to older workers.
Just over a third of organisations are planning to review their employee benefit packages to ensure they are suitable for older workers, with half that number having already done so.
Regulation should be changed to allow a ‘national wealth service' to be established to distribute independent retirement advice more widely, according to Ros Altmann.
KPMG has appointed Adam Davis as a senior member of its insurance leadership team. Davis was formerly head of pricing and product development at Metlife UK.
Rothesay Life is set to buy Metlife's £3bn bulk annuity business in the latest deal in a round of consolidation in the pensions insurance market.
MetLife as added former Aviva group risk senior account manager Nick Pemberton to its employee benefits arm in a bid to increase its international business.