Pension scheme deficits could increase by £40bn over the next year as a result of government cut backs, Aon Consulting says.
Final salary pension schemes are now ranked as the second biggest threat facing corporates, Aon Consulting says.
UK - Final salary pension schemes are now ranked as the second biggest threat facing corporates, Aon Consulting said.
Another wave of quantitative easing proposed by Mervyn King could push up pension scheme liabilities and increases deficits after a period of relative calm, Aon warns.
UK - Another wave of quantitative easing proposed by Mervyn King could push up pension scheme liabilities and increases deficits after a period of relative calm, Aon warned.
UK - The aggregate pensions accounting deficit for the 200 largest UK pension schemes has ballooned to £103bn (US$166bn) - topping the £100bn mark for the first time ever, Aon Consulting's Aon200 index revealed.