M&G Real Estate asks what would a world of rising rates mean for pension schemes investing in real estate
Natasha Browne examines how a rise in yields would impact property portfolios
Prudential has become the latest life company to report severely hit annuity sales in the wake of radical reforms to how people can access their pension.
Natasha Browne looks at why consultants are advising schemes to get out of high yield
Two of M&G's funds have jointly purchased 18 car auction sites across the UK for a total of £240m.
Investment opportunities in the corporate debt space went unnoticed as markets were too focused on the Federal Reserve's tapering decision, M&G Investments says.
Jonathan Stapleton asks if the profitability of providers will lead to lower fees for schemes
M&G Investments' institutional funds have been hit by a £914m net outflow in the first half of 2013, parent company Prudential's interim results show.
Housing organisation Curo is to boost its affordable housing building with a £75m funding deal with M&G Investments, as fund manager activity increases in the asset class.