Schemes will find opportunities in actively managed inflation-linked bonds next year due to the differential between RPI and CPI-linked bond yields, an asset manager claims.
Prudential boosted its corporate pensions sales by £78m in the first quarter, driven by a 154% increase in sales to new members of existing private sector clients.
PRUPIM has acquired a £67m Tesco superstore in Cardiff for the M&G Secured Property Income Fund.
Schemes seeking to meet inflation risk can invest in long lease property as a lower-cost alternative to buying pricey index-linked gilts, industry experts say.
This month the panellists discuss the impact of unemployment and reduced spending, the future of the spread between prime and secondary properties, the long-term prospects of UK property, and their views on property debt opportunities
M&G will launch its social housing investment fund by the end of the year, the asset manager says.
The £4.6bn Merseyside Pension Fund has appointed four new asset managers to run its Asia-Pacific and emerging market portfolios following a review.
Pension funds can protect against inflation risk by investing in long lease property, while also achieving an attractive spread over index-linked gilts of the same maturity, M&G says.
Savers are facing a rare conundrum about whether to lock into a lifetime annuity amid unprecedented economic uncertainty, Hargreaves Lansdown says.
Have you missed the biggest stories in pensions this week? Find out below, as we list the top ten most popular stories on over the past seven days (17 September - 23 September).