What were the most read opinion pieces on Professional Pensions over the last 12 months? We look at some of the top pieces from our commentators during the year.
Malcolm McLean says the chances of an equitable solution for Women against State Pensions Inequality campaigners do not seem very likely now
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has confirmed that 30 master trusts have or will exit the market, leaving 58 which will either need to apply for authorisation or exit in the coming months.
Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond has confirmed he will deliver the government's annual budget on 29 October.
A record £2.3bn was withdrawn from pensions under Freedom and Choice in the second quarter of this year, according to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC).
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) missed one of its 19 performance targets over the last year, it confirmed in its annual report and accounts.
A panel of pension experts spoke at Pensions and Benefits UK to debate lay trustees, the 'disastrous' freedoms and the problem with having two regulators. Stephanie Baxter reports from the conference
Malcolm McLean says the green-tinged white paper raised almost as many questions as answers and we are still far from knowing the exact direction of government policy
The FCA and TPR have announced their joint strategy for tackling the key risks facing pensions in the next decade. Victoria Ticha explores the plan and the industry's initial reaction.
Malcolm McLean says the transfer of TPAS's dispute resolution function to the TPO raises again the question of whether there should be a single pensions regulator