Between £30bn and £40bn of pension risk is expected to be transferred to insurers via buy-ins and buyouts this year, Aon says.
The BBC Pension Scheme has completed a £3bn longevity swap deal with Zurich and Canada Life Reinsurance, covering the risk of pensioner and dependent members.
The BBC Pension Scheme has completed a £3bn longevity swap deal with Zurich and Canada Life Reinsurance, covering the risk of pensioner and dependent members.
The Barclays Bank UK Retirement Fund has completed a £5bn longevity swap with Reinsurance Group of America (RGA).
Two in five UK defined benefit (DB) schemes expect to complete a bulk annuity or longevity swap transaction within the next three years, Willis Towers Watson research finds.
Around £50bn of risk will be transferred to the bulk annuity and longevity swap market by the end of the year despite a slow start to the market, Aon says.
Around £12.6bn of buy-ins and buyouts were completed in the first half of 2020 despite the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Lane Clark & Peacock (LCP) analysis.
Longevity swap usage is expected to grow further as more reinsurers enter the market to hedge the risk of deferred members, according to Mercer.
The UBS (UK) Pension and Life Assurance Scheme has hedged the longevity risk of around half its defined benefit (DB) liabilities through a £1.4bn longevity swap completed with Zurich and Canada Life Reinsurance.
Covid-19 has caused a slowdown in the number of bulk annuity transactions, with buy-ins and buyouts expected to amount to a maximum of £25bn this year, Willis Towers Watson says.