Treasury plans to increase public sector employee pension contributions by 3% could destroy the Local Government Pension Scheme, the London Pensions Fund Authority warns.
Contribution rates for the Merseyside Pension Fund will increase to 18.1% after the scheme's triennial valuation revealed a 2 percentage point drop in funding levels.
Public sector pension schemes should move to a career average revalued earnings system capped at pay of £75,000, the London Pensions Fund Authority says.
Matrix Group; Towers Watson; Ruffer; Nikko Asset Management; the Association of British Insurers; London Pensions Fund Authority; Mercer
Mayor of London Boris Johnson has appointed four new London Pensions Fund Authority board members.
The London Pensions Fund Authority is considering teaming up with other schemes to help improve its shareholder engagement in emerging markets.
The Local Government Pension Scheme should increase its retirement age to 66 and limit pensionable pay to £75,000 a year, the London Pensions Fund Authority says in its submission to the Public Service Pensions Commission.
UK - The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) should increase its retirement age to 66 and limit pensionable pay to £75,000 ($115,000) a year, the London Pensions Fund Authority (LPFA) said in its submission to the Public Service Pensions Commission....
UK - The London Pensions Fund Authority is considering teaming up with other schemes to help improve its shareholder engagement in emerging markets.
Government proposals to increase the retirement age and index pension payments to the Consumer Price Index could slice 15% from public sector liabilities, London Pensions Fund Authority chief executive Mike Taylor says.