The London Borough of Lambeth Pension Fund has signed up to a £42m private-rented sector investments strategy with Invesco Real Estate.
Local government minister Rishi Sunak says his department's priority is to make a success of local government pension pooling, warning there is no room for complacency.
Julian Pendock has stepped down from his role as chief investment officer (CIO) of the £5.6bn London Collective Investment Vehicle (CIV).
Hugh Grover will step down from his role as chief executive of the £5.6bn London Collective Investment Vehicle (CIV) at the end of next week.
PP looks at the local government pension funds' initial proposals for pooling
The North Yorkshire Pension Fund (NYPF) has confirmed it is joining the local government pension investment pool led by East Riding, Cumbria, and Surrey.
The collective investment vehicle set up by London Councils has launched its first sub-fund just weeks after getting the regulatory green light.
The government has published criteria and guidance for pooling the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) into six "British wealth funds" worth at least £25bn each.
LGPS funds will be reclassified as retail investors, which could lead to a major asset sell-off, increase costs, and restrict what they can invest in, finds Stephanie Baxter
As local government pension funds will be forced to pool investments, PP looks at the different options and how London councils chose their pooled structure.