AMP Capital has appointed Judy Saunders as an advisor in its UK business.
Five local authority pension funds have launched a £250m ‘investing for growth' initiative, aimed at boosting returns and delivering "positive" economic impact.
The government will consult on reforms to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) to "achieve better value for money for taxpayers", local government minister Brandon Lewis has announced.
The London Pensions Fund Authority's (LPFA) funding level is around 95%, according to its 2013 valuation.
Local government pension scheme (LGPS) deficits are estimated to have doubled since 2010 to over £80bn, according to KPMG analysis.
Upcoming English county council elections could affect this year's local government pension scheme (LGPS) triennial valuations, according to an expert.
A second round of statutory consultation has been launched on changes to the local government pension scheme.
Staffordshire Pension Fund and Royal Borough of Greenwich Pension Fund have become the latest schemes to join the Local Authority Pension Fund Forum.
Cumbria City Council has awarded the £130m fixed income mandate of its pension scheme to Standard Life Investments.