The Box Clever Pension Scheme has started an assessment period with the Pension Protection Fund (PPF) to decide if it will have to enter the lifeboat fund.
Scottish Power's £2bn longevity swap is the latest in a string of transactions. But where does it feature on the top ten?
ITV has used its London Television Centre property to set up a 25-year partnership to fund its defined benefit (DB) scheme.
The Upper Tribunal has ruled that The Pensions Regulator (TPR) may pursue five companies which are part of the ITV group for funding for the Box Clever scheme.
ITV is attempting to have some of the claims levelled against it in the Box Clever case struck out at the Upper Tribunal.
Dividend payments from UK companies hit a record £25.3bn in the second quarter but growth remains slow, research from Capita Registrars shows.
ITV's scheme deficit rose from £390m to £551m over 2012 as a falling discount rate continued to inflict pain on the broadcaster's balance sheet.
It has been a record year for pensions news. On top of new regulations, defined ambition, tax changes and public sector reform, there have been mergers, acquisitions, industry spats and campaigns. Here, PP brings you the top 20 stories of the year in...
ITV has lost its case to prevent trustees of the Box Clever pension scheme from pursuing the broadcaster over a £62m deficit.
ITV has seen it pensions deficit grow to £390m as falling corporate bond yields and a £65m premium on a longevity swap carried out last year pushed up the shortfall.