Raquel Pichardo-Allison discusses the changing relationship between pensions funds and their consultants, and asks whether consultants will need to share their role with third-party providers.
UK - Rick Di Mascio, chairman of the T-charter has announced he will not be putting himself up for re-election.
Emma Dunkley reports from Global Pensions' annual Transition Management Forum held on September 9, 2009 at Plaisterers' Hall, London
GLOBAL - Inalytics has developed a league table of transition managers in conjunction with Mercer and Hewitt to help pension funds with due diligence.
Inalytics has developed a league table of transition managers in conjunction with Mercer and Hewitt to help pension funds with due diligence.
Emma Cusworth examines how transition management has been impacted by the credit crunch and how the re-shaped industry aims to push forward
Some 130/30 funds have failed to live up to expectation and as investors begin to look elsewhere for sources of alpha is the writing on the wall? Giovanni Legorano investigates