With the spectre of Brexit looming over parliament, Jonathan Stapleton has some scepticism that the pension schemes bill will be enacted any time soon.
The long-awaited regulations for a cold-calling ban have been approved by the House of Commons after an onerous journey to becoming law.
While the majority of UK's largest pension funds have taken action on climate change, parliament says some are still failing to manage their schemes responsibly
Pension providers should be required to pay out lump sums and other pension benefits to members before they reach minimum pension age in cases of ill health, MP John Mann has said.
Labour has accused The Pensions Regulator (TPR) of being too passive in improving member representation in master trust governance.
The company which bought British Homes Stores (BHS) for £1 from Sir Philip Green maintains the pension schemes were not its responsibility.
The long awaited Pension Schemes Bill to boost master trust regulation has been published. Michael Klimes looks at what it means for providers and the regulator
George Osborne has been having a big say in pensions policy since Budget 2014. Owain Thomas explains that this could be set for a further five years.
The industry believes putting members on the boards of all schemes would improve governance, but says they must be given enough time off and qualifications should be mandatory.