The reduction of the annual allowance in 2014 has caused a significant rise in the number of people breaching the limit.
This week's top stories included the latest figures on pension withdrawals since Freedom and Choice, and the effect of President Donald Trump on DB deficits.
More than £1.5bn was withdrawn from pensions in the third quarter of this year, official statistics have revealed.
HMRC has been wrangling with a recent EU judgement saying DB schemes could reclaim VAT. With Brexit on the horizon, James Phillips explores whether the attempt is futile
CH2M has announced proposed plans to curb benefits for the 3,300 members of the beleaguered Halcrow Pension Scheme (HPS).
PP looks at whether more could be done to prevent members from transferring out in the first instance?
PP's panel of pension prophets - Malcolm McLean, Roger Mattingly and Robin Ellison - discuss what is currently annoying them about the UK pensions system.
The Pensions Ombudsman (PO) Tony King has ordered Prudential to provide a transfer request to a member wishing to move his funds into a newly-created pension scheme.
Thousands of savers face being hit with fines from the taxman for using their pension like a cash machine for the first time.
Schemes should start preparing for GMP equalisation as it could take years to fully implement, consultants warn.