Emma Dunkley looks at how quant strategies have performed since the beginning of the sub-prime crisis, and considers how they are set to develop
Trustees of the AA Pension Scheme have appointed Hewitt Associates to provide actuarial and investment consultancy services to the scheme.
UK - Nine-tenths of trustees and sponsors believe deficits will increase at their next valuation, latest Hewitt research revealed.
Nine-tenths of trustees and sponsors believe deficits will increase at their next valuation, latest Hewitt research reveals.
Implemented consulting involves trustees partially delegating fund decisions to a third party. While it has become a hot topic, Christine Senior says schemes need to give it careful thought
Each month DC World asks readers for their views. This month we ask: What effect has the recent equity market rally had on DC funds? Do members have reason to be cheerful?
Giovanni Legorano looks at how pension funds' approach to portable alpha has had to evolve
UK - Members of struggling defined benefit schemes could lose out on £150m (US$237.5m) of benefits unless the trustees take control of their investment strategy, a consultant warned.
Members of struggling defined benefit schemes could lose out on £150m of benefits unless the trustees take control of their investment strategy, a consultant warns.
Hewitt Associates has hired John Rushen as head of its UK investment consulting practice as part of an internal reorganisation.