Transferring short service refunds into the National Employment Savings Trust would help level the playing field between contract and trust-based schemes, an expert says.
Switching to consumer price index for pension inflation will improve defined benefit scheme funding levels by £83bn - but reduce the value of members' pensions, the government says.
Jonathan Davis, who was announced as the ABI director of investment affairs in November, has revealed he will not take up the role after all.
The industry has largely welcomed The Pensions Regulator's discussion paper on delivering good outcomes for defined contribution savers, but stressed that good governance must be a main focus rather than just a consideration.
A European Union ruling to equalise annuity rates for men and women could be finalised as soon as 1 March.
EUROPE - An EU ruling to equalise annuity rates for men and women could be finalised as soon as 1 March.
A third of employers say abolition of the default retirement age will prompt them to better promote their company pension scheme, Hargreaves Lansdown says.
A third of employers say abolition of the default retirement age will prompt them to better promote their company pension scheme, Hargreaves Lansdown says.
Tom McPhail of Hargreaves Lansdown explains to Laura Blows how NEST will be groundbreaking for defined contribution schemes and in turn will raise the industry's game
Individuals whose pension input period is tipped over from 5 April to 6 April next year could be caught unnecessarily by the reduction in annual allowance, a lawyer warns.