Industry figures have called on the government to raise the bar for schemes that can take automatic transfers of small pots.
Hargreaves Lansdown has unveiled a low-cost drawdown plan, charging no set-up or income withdrawal fees, ahead of the 6 April pensions reforms.
Working out the impact of DB to DC transfers is nearly impossible. Michael Klimes finds out why.
Sponsors of defined benefit (DB) schemes could face a £100bn bill as members look to transfer to defined contribution (DC) arrangements to take advantage of incoming ‘freedom and choice' rules.
The announcement from The Pensions Regulator (TPR) that it fined 166 firms for auto-enrolment breaches last quarter sends a "loud and clear" message to employers, say industry commentators.
Schemes and providers must consider having a default option for the decumulation stage, according to industry participants at a National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) seminar.
There are still too many people in financial services who think they can "keep their customers where they want them" by quietly carrying on with old-style practices, Pensions minister Steve Webb has said.
Pensions minister Steve Webb has said automatic transfers will begin on a voluntary basis to get the policy off the ground.
Retirees are at risk of cashing out their private pension savings under the misunderstanding they will receive the full flat rate state pension.
Natasha Browne gets industry reaction to Steve Webb’s plans to roll out freedom and choice to annuitants.