A debate on the effect of equalisation of the state pension age on women born in the 1950s will take place in Westminster this afternoon.
A report from the Public Accounts Committee urges DWP to monitor auto-enrolment closely as the industry grapples with small employers and low earners, Michael Klimes finds
Getting small businesses and people earning low wages on board with automatic-enrolment (AE) will be the real test over the next couple of years, says the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).
Almost half of those opting for income drawdown in retirement have done so without seeking advice, new data from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has shown.
The FTSE 100 was down 3% this morning to 5,913, after turmoil in China overnight saw trading suspended after just 30 minutes.
Inflation continues to hover around zero according to Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures, meaning interest rates are likely to remain at historic lows well into 2016.
People drawing retirement income from annuities will be able to sell their contracts from 6 April 2017, the government has confirmed.
Life expectancy at birth is predicted to reach 100 for female babies born in England in 2064, latest projections from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reveal.
UK pensions look good in theory but the system could turn out to be alarmingly fragile. Michael Klimes finds out why
The euro shot up against all major currencies after the European Central Bank (ECB) cut deposit rates to -0.3% and extended its asset purchasing programme.