Guy Opperman has retained his post as pensions and financial inclusion minister, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has confirmed.
The Conservatives’ romp at last week’s national poll gives a great chance to make dramatic changes to boost people’s pensions, says Gregg McClymont.
Ten master trusts will pay at least 25% of the total general levy despite holding just 2% of assets, according to The People’s Pension (TPP).
Now authorisation has ended for existing schemes, Kim Kaveh reflects on the process and asks what the future holds for ongoing supervision.
Most women are not saving enough for retirement and remain at risk of running out of money after they finish work, according to new analysis.
The People’s Pension (TPP) has urged the next government to improve saving for low paid workers and increase pension transparency ahead of the 12 December general election.
Workplace pension schemes may not be doing enough to fix ‘pension blind spots’ as many workers remain unaware of the benefits available to them, the Money and Pensions Service (MAPS) has found.
The industry constantly talks about the need to engage members. Gregg McClymont says a more important priority is how to ensure all schemes are governed well.
TPR’s consultation on the future of trusteeship closed last week, but there are mixed views on its proposals. Kim Kaveh looks at the industry’s responses.
New mothers should be given a £2,000 pension top-up to address the gender gap as part of reforms to workplace pensions, according to Which?