The best approach to investment governance is debatable, but many large schemes have a similar approach. James Phillips reports
Peter Askins looks at how trusteeship needs to evolve to remain fit for purpose.
Cosan Consulting has hired John Reeve as a director, after he had worked at Premier for nine years.
The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published a discussion paper on how to drive up standards of pensions trusteeship and shape future regulatory policy.
The Brexit vote has increased the strain on companies funding DB funds. Kristian Brunt-Seymour explores how schemes can contingency plan in the face of uncertainty.
PP looks at how standards on master trust governance are developing
Punter Southall Aspire has launched a master trust for defined benefit (DB) schemes with additional voluntary contributions (AVCs).
A recent report says a more confident approach from trustees could result in real innovative thinking. Helen Morrissey is inclined to agree.
Pension schemes have made big improvements to governance in recent years but a paper released by the 300 Club shows there is still some way to go. Helen Morrissey takes a look.
Catherine Howarth has been an appointed as an ambassador for the Transparency Task Force (TTF)