The panellists discuss how emerging markets can reduce a portfolio's volatility, how allocation between equity and debt should be split, and the key drivers set to affect EM investment
UK - The Pensions Protection Fund has widened its selection of transition managers by recruiting nine firms to its panel, but missing from the list was incumbent State Street who the PPF said did not re-bid.
The Pension Protection Fund has widened its selection of transition managers by recruiting nine firms to its panel.
GLOBAL - Have you missed the biggest stories in pensions this week? Find out below, as we list the top 10 most popular stories on over the past seven days.
US - A public pension fund lawsuit seeking to recover billions of dollars of bonus payouts and other compensation from Goldman Sachs has been thrown out of court.
UK - Pension funds are facing a dilemma in that de-risking is expensive and not getting cheaper. Instead, they should take on more risk in the current climate, delegates at this year's Professional Pensions Show heard.
US - The pension plan of the American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees (AFSCME) has filed a shareholder proposal calling for the removal of Goldman Sachs chief executive Lloyd Blankfein from his post as chairman at the firm.
US - The growth of the US ETF market is likely to be driven by active ETFs as a number of potential new issuers are seeking to list them, according to the New York Stock Exchange.